sveltin is the main command to work with SvelteKit powered static website projects.
A powerful CLI for your SvelteKit powered static website!
sveltin is the main command used to boost your productivity while creating a new production-ready SvelteKit project.
- Documentation ->
- A helpful quick-start ->
sveltin [command]
Available commands
add Add content and metadata to a resource
build Builds a production version of your static website
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
deploy Deploy your website over FTP
generate Generate static files (sitemap, rss, menu)
help Help about any command
init Initialize a new sveltin project
install Install your project dependencies
migrate Migrate your project to the latest Sveltin version
new Create new resources, pages and themes
preview Preview the production version locally
server Run the development server
update Update your project dependencies
version Print the version number of Sveltin
-h, --help help for sveltin
-v, --version version for sveltin
- sveltin init - Initialize a new Sveltin project.
- sveltin new - Create new resources (routes), pages and themes.
- sveltin new page - Create new page route.
- sveltin new resource - Create new resource (route).
- sveltin add - Add content and metadata to an existing resource.
- sveltin add content - Add content to an existing resource.
- sveltin add metadata - Add metadata to an existing resource.
- sveltin generate - Generate static files (sitemap, rss, menu).
- sveltin generate menu - Generate the menu file for your Sveltin project.
- sveltin generate rss - Generate the RSS feed for your Sveltin project.
- sveltin generate sitemap - Generate the sitemap file for your Sveltin project.
- sveltin install - Install your project dependencies.
- sveltin update - Update your project dependencies.
- sveltin migrate - Migrate your project to the latest Sveltin version.
- sveltin server - Run the development server (vite).
- sveltin build - Build a production version of your static website.
- sveltin preview - Preview the production version locally.
- sveltin deploy - Deploy your website over FTP.
- sveltin completion - Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell.
Last updated: 08-Nov-2022
Apache 2.0 License @ 2021-present and contributors .
The Sveltin logos are copyright © Mirco Veltri.